IKIGAI As A Purposed Resultant
The Key That Unlocks Your Holistic Answer To Reason For Being
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Purpose dates to the beginning of time. Everything created in nature has a purpose. The individual cycles of purpose in nature speak to each other and inform each other. Remove one process or contributor and it has an impact, a response, throughout the system. Human beings, who I call Purpose Peeps, as a reminder that we too are created in a purpose system, we have connection in ways that we may not understand fully because we are in the systems and not watching them the way we observe natural processes. In our Purpose Peep system our individual reasons for being are connected to larger systems of purpose. Differing from nature, Purpose Peeps travel to understanding how they connect with larger systems of purpose and that understanding evolves as we evolve and the needs that connect us evolve. Being here, you recognize the ask to unlock your reason for being and bring it to the systems of purpose that need it to live and flourish. You matter and are needed. Unlock how.
Welcome to IKIGAI For The Purposed Resultant!
IKIGAI, a Japanese philosophy that loosely translates to value in living or reason for living, dates to 794 - 1185. The Purpose Peeps that practice IKIGAI have the highest number of people who live to and beyond 100 in the world! They are happier, they have better health with fewer chronic illnesses and the rate of dementia is well below global average (CNN, 2018). These Purpose Peeps are said to not think of life in chunks--personal, work, retirement, recreation--but rather have an integrated approach to living and being. When a Purpose Peep took the elements of the IKIGAI philosophy and applied it to a Venn Diagram, a picture that shows the integrated life that we innately crave; it went viral!
The beautiful Ogimi Purpose Peeps have some wisdom to extend to the world! But how do we tap into it right where we are with the noise and pressures of life? We have an opportunity to integrate IKIGAI philosophy where we are, within our current environments and shift ourselves and in turn our relationships with ourselves and our environments.
Leveraging IKIGAI to unlock your path to purpose journey is a key to my heart centered why--transforming surviving and existing as lifestyles into your sparked life of purpose. As a visual Purpose Peep, something clicked powerfully as I began to combine IKIGAI, with my proprietary unlocking tools developed during 20 years as a strategist and path to purpose journey through my life experiences and as a certified purpose coach.
Unlocking IKIGAI As A Purposed Resultant is my offering for Purpose Peeps to:
- Unlock the bridges between YOUR purposed possibility and your current reality
- Unlock YOUR Value In Living, which differs from the broad prescriptions for definition of success,
- Unlock YOUR Placement In Your Path To Purpose Journey,
- Unlock YOUR bridge between your inner purpose journey and its connection to YOUR results that matter
- Unlock a way to bring all of you that's required to connect to your value in living--heart, soul, brilliance, purposed connection and sustenance
- Fumbling around in the dark, trying to turn the lights on in your life and being while stubbing your toe and hitting walls without understanding what is really going on and how it is working for you
- Expecting pieces of your path to purpose experience to behave differently than what they came to offer
- Having rear-view mirror wisdom and instead of partnering with your life experiences, sparks and nudges
- Being frustrated without a context for what is missing
- Losing faith in trusting the process because the process is unpredictable and causes you to pivot
- Getting close to your value in living and "checking out" because the closer you get things seem slip through your fingers
- Exhausting yourself doing all the things rather than energized while doing the things that fuel and sustain you
- Living your life knowing YOUR vision for value in living
- Having fulfillment (being FULL of gratitude) for your purposed experiences knowing the role they play in your purposed vision
- Having intentional practice shifting your life to align with your value in living
- Shifting your vision to see how life is working in service of your purpose
- Enjoying your path to purpose journey without holding your breath for the destination
- Living your sparked life, NOW, not in just positive thinking but purposed knowing, being and doing
IKIGAI For The Purposed Resultant Is Tutti, For All
If you know your purposed recipe for passion that includes your core brilliance and heart-centered why but need to bring your resultant side into focus to connect with the world in an impactful way that sustains you; this program is for YOU. If you are more results-oriented and have a good understanding of trends and how the world is knocking on your door with its asks but have less connection to what sparks you and makes you come alive, this program will bring your inner purpose compass into focus in a way that brings your heart and soul into your being and doing. If you have a gut knowing that integrated, whole being living is for you, this program will help to unlock your blueprint.
Build your IKIGAI Path To Purpose map and have a renewed, empowered experience with life! Will it be void of challenges? No. But you will have a context to leverage ALL your experiences through your IKIGAI lens. Will your journey have amazing moments of synchronicity, alignment and flow? Yes, to the degree you align, shift and pivot to meet them.
Let's get started!
Your Instructor
As a transformational author, speaker and coach,Dena Wiggins takes a passionate stand for purpose and the power it unleashes in people and businesses, which are systems of people. Dena's books speak to purpose and the process of leveraging purpose to unlock keys to success from multiple lenses--spiritual, personal and professional. Her process of awareness, practice and mastery support taking inspired action to the outcome of fully realized purpose.
Her multi-lens approach supports deep transformation through personal and shared experiences that support sustainable change. Dena holds a deep belief in the beauty and discovery of life through the Kaleidoscope Process, where people and systems of people turn and shift for multiple views--all true, all unique, all beautiful and all purposeful. Her Unlock the Keys To Your Success Series is designed to take you on a journey that unlocks all of who you are and the value you bring whether it is you as an individual, within a system or community of individuals or the system.
Dena is a Certified Purpose Coach in a model based on psychological research, an MBA Resultant and partner in your journey to your results that matter.Her purpose is to unlock sparked Purpose Peeps who continually transform organizations into lighthouses that shine solutions that shift the world, no matter what.